In 1970 the average car had only $25 worth of electronics. That figure reached over $3,500 by 1996. Today that figure has reached over $6,000. The figure will continue to rise with the installation of up to 40 different computers on certain vehicles.
Vehicles’ computers operate everything from air conditioning, radios, airbags, alarm systems, anti-lock braking systems, traction control, ride control, cruise control, analog and digital gauges, automatic transmissions, emission, and engine controls. These computers can cost from $250 to as much as $1,500 depending on what they control.
Instead of using proper diagnostic procedures, some do-it-yourselfers and shops without the technical experience resort to trial and error parts swapping when they don’t know how to repair computer and performance issues. Since car dealers and parts suppliers refuse to allow the return of electronic components (due to possible damage) that may leave you, the consumer, with expensive parts you didn’t need. In fact, manufacturers have reported that 80% of all returned computers were found to be okay.
Avoid unnecessary repair and parts costs! We have the latest in computerized diagnostic equipment, a computerized information system and experienced ASE Master Certified Technicians who are trained to properly care for your vehicle. Our computer diagnostics can save you money by correctly diagnosing your vehicle’s problems right from the start.
Let one of our Master Certified Technicians help you today.
Some people in Eugene Oregon are confused by charges for diagnostic services for a vehicle repair, even though many other services in life include diagnostic fees – things like computer service and appliance repair.
Even when we go into the doctor for a medical problem, we’re paying her to diagnose our ailment and of course for the tests that go along with it. So receiving a diagnostic charge for a tricky automotive problem shouldn’t be a surprise.
Automotive diagnostics can cover quite a range. If you hear a noise in your brakes, a visual inspection is usually enough to know what needs to be done. If you’re having an intermittent problem with your engine, diagnosis may be much more involved.
Some think that when the check engine light comes on, the engine computer tells the technician exactly what the problem is. The reality is much different. The trouble code just tells your Eugene Oregon technician what engine parameter is out of range, not what’s causing it. Your technician at Integrity Auto Repair in Eugene Oregon needs to determine the underlying problem that’s causing the symptom.
As you can imagine, some automotive diagnoses are quick and easy. Others are more involved and difficult. Of course, we at Integrity Auto Repair want to figure out what’s wrong with your vehicle and get you back on the road as quickly as possible.