Nobody wants to call a tow truck. If you have to call for a tow, it means one of two things: you can’t get your car started at all or you’ve broken down. Well, three things. You might need to call for a tow after an automobile accident, too. Integrity Auto Repair offers towing services in the greater Eugene, OR, area, and you can call us if you need a tow. Here are tips to keep you safe until we get there.
Don’t Wait for a Problem
If your vehicle begins to overheat or otherwise act up while you’re driving along, pull over to safety immediately. The more you drive your automobile, the more risk you pose to you and other drivers. Your car, truck, or SUV tells you it’s in trouble in numerous ways. It might make a noise, emit an odor, or suddenly handle differently. It might also alert you with a warning light and sound. Don’t ignore these warnings. Stop and call for a tow truck right away.
Stay Safe
Let’s talk about what to do just before you pull over and after you pull over. If you’re driving during the day, pull over to the safest space you can. If you’re driving on the highway, pull over to the shoulder. If you have time before your vehicle breaks down completely, use the next exit to get off the freeway and into a parking lot or other safe space. Don’t stop on an on-ramp or off-ramp.
If you’re driving on surface streets, pull over to the curb. If there is a place where you can pull into safety, such as a parking lot, do so. If it is night and dark outside, or dusk and soon-to-be dark, pull over underneath a light. Do not park in the dark. Turn on your hazard lights to signal to oncoming traffic that your vehicle is in trouble. If you have flares or reflective triangles, put them around your vehicle but don’t do so unless it’s safe to exit your vehicle without the risk of being hit by oncoming traffic.
Finally, call Integrity Auto Repair. We are located in Eugene, OR, and we’ll dispatch a tow truck to your location. We are a full-service automotive repair shop, and we’d be happy to determine why your vehicle broke down and discuss the necessary repairs with you. We offer competitive prices and excellent customer service. We’ll treat you and your vehicle with respect.