There are times when you can keep driving your automobile while it’s acting up but there are also times when you should pull over and call for a tow. Some issues will damage your vehicle further if you continue to operate it and others can make your automobile dangerous to drive. When should you call for a tow truck? Integrity Auto Repair recommends you do so under the following circumstances.
No Gas
If you run out of gas on a rural highway, you’ll need to call for a tow even if you have an automotive roadside assistance service. Yes, they will bring you gasoline, but did you know most services only bring you one gallon of petrol? This solves the problem if you’re near a gas station but if you aren’t, there’s no point running out of gas again further down the road.
Accident Damage
We hope you never get into a car accident but if you do, it might not be a good idea to drive your car, truck, crossover, or SUV afterward. Even if the damage doesn’t seem that bad, there could be something underlying that you cannot see and if you drive your automobile, you might cause further damage or lose control of the car. Suspension damage, for example, might not be visible to the naked eye.
Never drive your vehicle if it’s overheating. There are several reasons why it could be overheating and if you drive it you damage it. The radiator system could be the culprit or your fuel pump could also be the problem. The more you drive your car when it’s hot, the more systems you ruin. In addition, if your brakes overheat they will fail, so stop and call for a tow if they smell hot and like chemicals.
Broken Down or Dead Engine
Finally, strange noises, smoke, smells, or stalls all require a tow. Again, if you drive your vehicle when it’s compromised you will cause further damage, so why turn an inexpensive repair into an expensive one. If your vehicle’s dashboard warning lights come on, it starts to operate oddly, you notice strange smells or hear loud sounds, pull over and call for a tow. Don’t risk it. It’s not worth it.
Integrity Auto Repair in Eugene, OR, offers towing services to our customers. We hope you only need to utilize our preventative maintenance and repair services, but you can call us if you need a tow.